Imago Dei Kids
Growing up in the gospel, responding in worship and wonder.
First Visit
Your first stop when you arrive is the check in area. We want to serve you and your child well, so we’ll ask some questions to make sure we know about allergies, what your child likes to be called, and collect your contact information. Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. This sticker is also what you will use to pick-up your child after the gathering. Finally, one of our teachers will give you a quick tour to show you where to go next and what to expect.
Kids Classrooms
This room is for newborns to 24 months.
Kids are still in diapers and may require a change.
May take a nap or need to be fed.
Kids are working towards being ready for sitting and listening to a story with the whole class.
The preschool room is for kids who are ready for whole class activities.
Kids are toilet trained/ in pull-ups. We do not change diapers in this room.
Able to sit and listen to a story with the whole class.
May participate in simple crafts or activities.
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
Kids are developmentally ready to listen to and engage in a continuous block of worship, Bible lesson, and prayer time.
Kids are able to follow instructions from volunteers around crafts and group activities.
Younger kids who are developmentally ready may be admitted after conversations with the Preschool and K-2nd room leaders.
These students will participate in worship with adults and be dismissed to their class after worship and prayer.
3rd - 5th Grade
Students are able to engage in whole class and small group discussions about the lesson.
Can participate in reading scripture and group prayer time.
Can participate in more complex crafts involving cutting, tying, and gluing.
Emerging maturity towards middle school age and youth group activities.
These students will participate in worship with adults and be dismissed to their class after worship and prayer.