Member Devo- Katie Chavez

There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless, the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand. Prov. 19:21

Prior to this whole Covid-19 adventure I was making plans…big plans. I don’t remember what they were exactly, but I was sure making them. I think it had something to do with winning the lottery, quitting my job, and buying a house somewhere outside of California. Fast forward to today where I’m still living with my husband and son in our one bedroom apartment, working from home on my couch in social isolation and I never did get to 7-11 to purchase that lottery ticket. It doesn’t appear that I will be going anywhere exciting anytime soon. 

Sometimes I wonder if God laughs at my “devices,” my vain pre-occupations of what could be and what would make me happier. I can’t help but notice that in this scripture the word “devices” (in other translations “plans”) is plural. And trust me, my imaginations of what I could do with wealth, or houses or accomplishments are exactly that-plural. To make things worse, I have to admit that these types of devices are formed independently of God.

According to this scripture only the counsel of the Lord stands. Not only that, but the word “counsel” is singular. There is but one. Furthermore, the devices of mankind can never change the immutability of what God has said. Sometimes I don’t stop to consider the fact that my inconsistent imaginations don’t necessarily align with what God has said is so in my life. In the end it is His truth that overshadows my silliness. My ideas won’t ever alter His plan. So instead, I’ll sit here in my couch quarantine enjoying my husband and baby, and be grateful to still have work. When I see things from God’s perspective I’ve already hit the jackpot. 


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