Member Devo - Andrea Garica

When asked to offer an encouraging devotional, my heart immediately sank. Part of it was because I hate public speech, (even through social media context haha ) but also because the past few weeks have not been very encouraging weeks.  I’ve felt very tired, overwhelmed with all the roles I’ve had to fulfill, anxious, and tired of fighting against being too anxious.  I’ve lost my patience with my kids more times that I would care to admit and I dream about the day Josh and I can go on a real date lol. 

Although, the scariest part of it all is that I can feel a  part in me that does not wan’t to care for God’s calling.  I’d rather distract myself with a Netflix series than to dwell in Him.  I know that all does not sound very encouraging so here comes the encouraging part: I am daily reminded me of the truths I know of Him and how the Lord has been so faithful to me.  Our series through Proverbs has been grounding and a display of God’s goodness.  He calls us and gives us the freedom to listen and answer to His call of wisdom.   Choosing wisdom or rather allowing myself to be aware that there is a call I must answer to— the call of King Jesus — encourages me to hold onto the faith and peace that has been graciously offered to me. 

“Take my instruction instead of silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her.” Proverbs 8:10-11. 

I believe that Jesus is better than anything I may desire but I can so easily forget it.  Thankfully, Jesus calls us daily and offers more than riches.  His tender call frees me to obey God’s instructions. Suddenly, I don’t feel so overwhelmed. 


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Member Devo- Katie Chavez