Glory of God - Member Devotional

Watch the Video Letter on Glory: Here

Glory of God

“Everything in life is worship and God alone is worthy of it. We are a community who has caught a glimpse of the living God and can’t look away. We worship passionately and risk everything for his name because there is nothing we could lose that is more valuable than what we have in him.”

Read Revelation 21


Glory is defined as “high renown or honor,” “magnificence or great beauty “and as “praise and worship.” Our culture is one that constantly seeks new ways of obtaining glory for the self. Whether in seeking praise or renown at work in our efforts to be seen, on social media in the highlights that we showcase from our lives, or even in our relationships as we seek affirmation from family and friends.

I often fall into this trap seeking my own glory and end up burnt out, unknown and disappointed with my own futile efforts. It’s when I stop looking in and look up to Jesus and catch a glimpse of the true glory of our King that I realize receiving the kingdom without the true King is worthless.  

As I read CBR a few weeks ago, I was struck by the vision of the new heaven and earth in Revelation. It's one of great splendor, beauty, and magnificence in reflection of God’s glory.  In Revelation 21, the phrase “Behold” is used twice to cause us to pause and look upon the beauty of God’s truth. First, in verse 3 “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself will be with them as their God…” We are made in God’s image, anything good and pure in me is a reflection of God’s glory. In verse 5 it says “And he who was seated on the throne said “Behold I am making all things new.” The maker of all things new is Jesus, who is who is restoring and redeeming the image of God that our sin has distorted.

When we stop to behold the living God, our eyes cannot look away from the one who dwells inside of us and continually makes us new.

 The chapter ends with a vision of a new city, and reveals what God’s glory compels us to do: “And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it for the glory of God gives light and its lamp is the Lamb. By its light will the nations walk and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it and its gates will never be shut by day—and there will be no night there. They will bring into it the glory and the honor of the nations. But nothing unclean will ever enter it nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those are who are written in the Lamb’s book of life” (22-27)

The glory of God is a light, like a lamp to our feet and Jesus the risen lamb is the lamp guiding the way. God’s glory is radiant and brings light to all darkness and gives us clarity as to how to live our lives to reflect this radiant image. We are heirs to this kingdom and will bring the “glory and honor of nations.” Even our unique culture and heritage (the honor of the nations) can show God’s radiance and glorious nature. The beauty and uniqueness of God revealed and made known in our culture in our lives will ultimately be made pure and bring praise and worship to God. What a beautiful picture of all creation: every tribe, nation and tongue who have caught a glimpse of Jesus, bringing glory and honor to God! 

Reflection Questions

1) What ways are you trying to bring glory to yourself in your life? In what ways are you tempted to bring glory to yourself and away from God?

2) How can you lay this down and direct your praise and attention to Jesus?

3) What aspects of your culture bring attention to the “imago dei” that dwells in you? 



Glorious Father, glorioso padre, we ask that you would transform that way we approach our lives, would we worship Jesus in all that we do. Help us to lay down our desire for glory, praise and renown. Lead us away from the temptation to bring honor to ourselves and cause us to behold you—to catch a glimpse of your glory that we cannot turn our eyes away. Make all things new in our lives and in our community, make us radiant as we reflect your image, in our culture, family, work, and friendships to bring worship and praise to you. Amen.


Grace - Member Devotional


CBR Group Guide: Hebrews 3