CBR Guide: Week 8
Read Hebrews 8
Stuff you should know:
A covenant is a formal relationship between two or more people that has its own commitments and regulations. A marriage is a perfect example of a covenant. Two people agree to be committed to one another exclusively and legally.
The author mentions two covenants in this passage. The first is the Mosaic covenant which began on Mt. Sinai with the giving of the physical law to Israel. This covenant was the covenant that the readers were tempted to go back to. As Israel’s history went on, Jeremiah and others though looked to the day of a new covenant that God would make with Israel (Read Jeremiah 31:31-34) where God would put his laws into their hearts.
Stuff you should see:
Main point: Jesus is the high priest who intercedes for us in the true temple of God. The covenant he brings is better because it was what the old covenant was always pointing toward.
ACTS Prayer (Pray through your pen and conversation)
Adoration: Praise the Father for His attributes and actions
Confession: Confess your sinfulness and acknowledge your sins
Thanksgiving: Thank Jesus for his Salvation (past, present, future)
Supplication: Ask the Spirit to transform you in particular ways
Questions for Application:
Verse 2 says we have a “minister in the holy places” who is Jesus. There is someone interceding in the throne room of God on our behalf who knows our worries, our fears, our weaknesses. and our sins. How could knowing this truth change the way you approach prayer?
The author goes out of his way to remind the people that the old covenant is “obsolete” and that they cannot go back. Are there ways of thinking, habits, rules, or experiences from your past that you cannot seem to shake? Consider why you are holding on to those things and how Jesus gives what they cannot.