CBR Group Guide: Week 6


  • Pray

  • Read Hebrews 6

  • Stuff you should know: 

    • The command to “leave”  (v. 1) the fundamental doctrines of the faith does not mean to abandon. Instead, it is more the idea of “go further.”  The author is presenting them a choice to either build upon this foundation to maturity in Christ or fall away. They cannot live in indecision forever.

    • Of all the sections of Hebrews, verses 4-8 are difficult because they can appear to teach that it is possible to lose your salvation by saying they have, “fallen away.” (v. 4) This misses the main point of what the passage is doing. It is a warning not a history. For example, if you tell someone, “Step off that sidewalk and you will get hit by a bus!” It doesn’t assume they will get hit by the bus or that others have already walked off and been hit by a bus in the same way. It just warns them of the consequences of taking  a particular course of action. The author is doing the same thing. He is addressing believers, those who have “shared in the Holy Spirit.” (v. 4) and says that the consequences for truly falling away from Christ are severe (v. 8). He is flashing a bright red sign that says “Do Not Enter! Don’t fall away from Jesus!” and his expectation is that God will use the warning as the means to changing their heart. In fact, in the next verse, he is “sure of better things---things that belong to salvation.” (v.9) for them. God will use the warning to change the hearts of true believers and keep them from falling away. 

  • Stuff you should see: 

    • Main point: There is no more time to live in immaturity. You must either embrace Christ fully and move toward maturity or not. As we do though, we have hope because Jesus is in heaven interceding for us. 

  • ACTS Prayer (Pray through your pen and conversation) 

    • Adoration: Praise the Father for His attributes and actions

    • Confession: Confess your sinfulness and acknowledge your sins

    • Thanksgiving: Thank Jesus for his Salvation (past, present, future) 

    • Supplication: Ask the Spirit to transform you in particular ways

  • Questions for Application: 

    • The author gives a stern “now or never” warning to those who are on the verge of abandoning their hope in Jesus. Reflect on your own life, what are some times that God has used a hard word from someone to change your heart? What was that like? 

    • Even when times are tough, “We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul”, the hope that Jesus is in heaven and for us. Are their places and situations in your life that seem hopeless? What would it look like if you believed that Jesus Christ is in heaven pleading with God on your behalf?


CBR Group Guide: Week 7


CBR Guide: Week 5