CBR Group Guide: Hebrews 3


  • Pray

  • Read Hebrews 3

  • Stuff you should know: 

    • Moses was the prototypical servant of God in the Old Testament because he faithfully led the people out of slavery and into the promised land. Every king or prophet spoke for God but the people all looked to a day when a prophet like Moses would return and perfectly represent God (Deuteronomy 18:15-19).

    • Twice in the passage the author says, “if indeed we hold.” (v. 6 & 14). The “if” here does not mean that this is something we must do to earn God’s favor. Instead, holding fasting to the end is external proof that we are “his house” and that we do “share in Christ.” 

  • Stuff you should see: 

    • Main point: Hold firm in your hope in Jesus to the end, but be careful that you are not deceived by your own sin. 

  • ACTS Prayer (Pray through your pen and conversation) 

    • Adoration: Praise the Father for His attributes and actions

    • Confession: Confess your sinfulness and acknowledge your sins

    • Thanksgiving: Thank Jesus for his Salvation (past, present, future) 

    • Supplication: Ask the Spirit to transform you in particular ways

  • Questions for Application: 

    • Jesus' faithfulness as “a son” means that his faithfulness is what we build our lives on. Are you ever tempted to mix up your faithfulness with Jesus’s faithfulness? What would it look like to know that God sees you through Christ’s faithfulness and not your mistakes? 

    • The author warns the people to not be “hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” (v. 13) Sin is deceptive. It always tries to be covered up. It always seems like it’s not a big deal, but in the end it destroys us. Do you have areas of your life that you may be thinking are “no big deal” but are pulling your heart away from Jesus?


Glory of God - Member Devotional


CBR Group Guide: Hebrews 2