A Call to Prayer

Dear Imago Dei, 

Over the past 6 months our hearts have been nakedly exposed to the heat of anxiety, fear, injustice, anger, and loneliness. The effect has been a drain on our souls: tiredness, confusion, apathy. But with Jesus, there is always the promise of renewal. He is “the fountain of life” and we say to him “in your light do we see light” (Ps 36:9). When we see the world through his eyes, there is renewal and life.

As we approach our five year anniversary, the need for refreshing is clear. Not only has this season brought fatigue, but the cities and nations still lay before us. The call on your life as a follower of Jesus is still to make disciples of all nations. The power of the gospel to radically change and transform lives is still before us. This is our time, the church that God has called for this moment. May God stir us, awaken us, and use us for his glory in this day!

In light of that, I am calling us to fast and pray August 20-22 and calling this prayer time a “prayer tour” for reasons that will be clear in the details. 

Here’s how this will work in this COVID-time:

Thursday August 20: 

  • We will meet on Zoom at 7:30pm. We will pray and hear how God is moving in our area and throughout the nations. 

Friday August 21: 

  • Fast from eating food this day (unless you are unable, for instance if you are pregnant. If you can’t fast from food, find something else meaningful to abstain from). 

  • Read and pray through the two devotionals provided as you are able.

  • As you pray, take a walk and pray for your immediate neighborhood wherever you live. Post a picture/video with the #IDprayertour so that we can see where prayers are being lifted up.

  • In the evening at 6pm we will meet in person for a time of worship and prayer, focusing our eyes on the vastness and might of our God. This in person time will be similar to Sunday morning in that it will also be live-streamed and we do ask for masks/social distancing, etc. (let us know you are coming HERE.

Saturday August 22: 

  • We will hit the streets. There will be different in-person groups that will meet up and pray together across south east LA; praying for gospel peace, unity, and transformation. 

  • Some groups will meet in a park and pray, others will walk a city block. There is also a group doing a hike in the Whittier hills and even a group planning a bike ride around the perimeter of south east LA, stopping at 4 spots to pray. You can sign up for a group HERE.

  • If you are unable to join a group or are not comfortable because of Covid concerns, please visit one of these routes at some point in the day and pray. Again, post a picture/video with #IDprayertour so that we can see where prayer is happening. 

  • At 5pm we will gather again on Zoom to close out our time, looking at a video of where prayer happened and asking God to move through our church for his glory. 

Church, I know it’s been a long season. I know it’s hot. I know you might not feel super motivated on a weekend to fast and pray. Yet, I want to assure you with promises of our God. He is at work (Ps 121:3). He is moving. He cares about our cities. He will exalt the humble (Js 4:10). Let us meet together with our God and seek the good of our cities!

I look forward to joining you in prayer and experiencing the refreshment of Jesus.

In Christ, 



Kids Lesson | I Can Help Others: August 23, 2020


Devotional - Denise Copeland